Labs & Homeworks

Homeworks and Labs are listed in the order they are due for submission.

Submissions are ALWAYS due at or before 23:59 on WEDNESDAYS. With the excpetion of Weeks 1 and 10, if it's midnight on a Wednesday and you have not submitted something for CMPS111, you messed up.

Remember that the syllabus clearly states NO LATE SUBMISSIONS for homeworks, and a 15% penalty for each day late on Labs, up to a maximum of three days, after which no credit will be given.

See UCSC Canvas for details of specific availability and submission dates.

Item Due  
Lab 1 Week 2 5%
Homework 1 Week 3 5%
Homework 2 Week 4 5%
Lab 2 Week 5 15%
Homework 3 Week 6 5%
Homework 4 Week 7 5%
Homework 5 Week 8 5%
Lab 3 Week 9 15%
  Total 60%